PPSC, FPSC Lecturership Psychology MCQ’s


Every year PPSC and FPSC Announced posts for Psychology Lectureship. Many people apply for them but most are confused about how to prepare for these posts. Here we have some of the Most Important and From Past Paper of PPSC, FPSC Lectureship Psychology Mcqs. Let’s Have a Look.

PPSC,FPSC Psychology Mcqs
1- Why research the origins of psychology?

Comprehend current views better

Comprehend the underlying presumptions

Tocomprehend and Explain prevailing notions and underlying presumptions

Explain ourselves better

2- Who carried out the first psychological test?


Egyptian King Psamtik


Vesalius Gall

3- 7000 years ago, trepanation was done to?
Release the demons
Release the strain on your body’s imbalanced Humour.
Let the brain pulse
all of the aforementioned

3- Democritus is credited with creating “determinism,” which holds that human behavior conforms to rules.
We behave in an appointed manner because we have no control over the decisions we make.
We behave in an appointed manner because we have no control over the decisions we make.

The direct cause of antisocial personality disorder is having abusive parents. Everything that occurs prevents anything else from occurring; in other words, every action results in a response.
Everything that occurs prevents anything else from occurring; in other words, every action results in a response.

the entire list (All of the above)

4- One of the first to advocate a rational approach to psychology was Socrates, 
One of the first to advocate a rational approach to psychology was Socrates, 

The Socratic approach aims to “get to the foundation of truth.” Discussions between parties holding opposing viewpoints that include POSING and RESPONDING REASONABLE QUESTIONS in order to ILLUMINATE concepts and OBJECTIVE truth.

A life without reflection is not worth living.

the entire list (All off the above)

5- Which of the statements below is FALSE?
Plato, who studied under Socrates, coined the term “psyche,” or the core of who you are.
The entire psyche is active.
A RATIONALIST believes that reason is the only way to understand reality.
When the APPETITE wins over the RATIONAL in the brain, mental illness results.

6-Aristotle was a student of Platos who believed?

“your soul is closely related to your body.”

The interdependence of the body and the psyche Since experiments are the only way to learn about reality, an EMPIRICIST opposes Democritus’s ideas.

All off the above (the entire list)


As with the Egyptians, they believed that the heart should be revered even after death and that it served as the brain’s seat.

When we believe, we heartily think.

the entire list (All off the above).

8-What did Eysenck discover in his research on the efficacy of therapy?
The sort of treatment did not matter;

what mattered was that the therapist possess particular abilities.
Although neither therapy was successful,

it was discovered that Freudian psychoanalysis was more successful than eclectic therapy.
Without therapy, improvements were substantially more pronounced than with Freudian or eclectic therapy.
Only “eclectic” therapy was shown to be superior to no therapy at all.

9-Which statement regarding Neisser’s book Cognitive Psychology is accurate?
Placed a focus on studies that had ecological validity.
Needed a whole chapter to defend its existence because Cognitive Psychology was released at a time when behaviorism was prevalent.

The movement (toward increasing research of cognitive factors) was given a name by the book’s title.

The TOTE unit served as its main tenet.

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